”Education for future”

Curator for the conferance ”Education for the future?” at HDK, Gothenburg during the yearly Design Festival 2018.


”Education for the future?”

Challenges and Visions for higher education in Crafts and Design

What role will design education play in the future, in light of recent changes in the design indus-try? Are we currently educating students to be artists and researchers? How do national differen-ces in governmental funding for higher education in the EU impact educational programs? Is there still a value in learning to be a maker? As well as addressing broader question regarding design and crafts education, our invited speakers will also raise questions about the value of hands-on making, making as a way of learning and design and crafts education as a critical context for making.


Speakers include;

Rosario Hurtado, Co-Head of Department MA Space & Communication, HEAD – Genève and co-founder of the design studio El Último Grito
Catharine Rossi, Doctor and Associate Professor in Design History, Kingston School of Art,
Tamar Shafrir, Co-head of Design Curating & Writing, Design Academy Eindhoven
Rosario Talevi, Architect and Curator, Universität der Künste Institut für Architektur und Städtebau
and Raumlabor Berlin
Sanne Kofod Olsen, Dean, Faculty of Arts, Gothenburg University
Anders Ljungberg, Professor, Ädellab, Konstfack, Stockholm
Maarit Mäkelä, Associate Professor, Head of Contemporary Design Master Programme and EMPIRICA research group, Aalto University, Helsinki
Onkar Kular, Professor of Design, HDK
Jessica Hemmings, Professor of Crafts & Vice-Prefect of Research, HDK





“Making Futures Bauhaus+” Floating University/Raumlabor Berlin

© Viviana Gabelson